

I'm a programmer & photographer

Why I'm willing to relocate to Germany

Three Major ReasonsBefore the COVID-19 pandemic, like most Chinese people, I had never visited Germany or any other European country. I had a travel plan that was unfortunately disrupted by the pandemic. So, why I’m willing to relocate to Germany? There are three major reasons. Curiosity about German industrial products and culture. Germany is renowned for “Made in Germany” products, e.g. cars. For a sustainable career. WLB(work-life balance) is not as common in China as it is in Germany, I don’t think the working culture in China is sustainable for most employees.

My Expectations on My Next Job

What I Went Through in the Past Two YearsMy grandmother passed away in January 2023 and I lost my father in February 2024. I spent a lot of time taking care of them before their passing and their loss deeply saddened me. I’m now ready to pursue my next adventure. My Expectations for My Next Job Position: Full-time/Part-time Java/Full-stack Developer position(Intermediate or Senior level) Location: Germany/Europe Work Mode: Remote/Hybrid/On-site Working language: English(I’m learning German) Expected salary: ~70,000 EUR/year(gross).

Migration from Hexo to Hugo

How this blog was createdIn 2015, I built this blog with Hexo and Theme Octo. Why I migrate to HugoHugo is written in Golang and it’s much faster. How to migrate Installations Install Git and Go Install Hugo 1 brew install hugo Create a site 1 hugo new site blog Pick a themeThere are a bunch of Hugo Themes for you to pick. I picked the DoIt theme. Why I chose DoItThere are so many exciting features, like mobile-friendly, search, i18n, emoji.

Hello World

NOTE: This is just a default demo. For hexo, please refer to my blog here. Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quick Start Create a new post 1 $ hexo new "My New Post" More info: Writing Run server 1 $ hexo server More info: Server